Happy De-Lurk(ey)ing week. Thanks to the RevGalBlogPals for this fabulous idea -- you don't have to say much, just "Hello!" Simply let me know that you're here and that you're reading, and I'll do the same in return. It'll be a grand week, and I might even post more, in honor of it!
Gobble, gobble!
De-Turkey is what vegetarians do on Thanksgiving.
Gobble, gobble to you, too!
You and your pink shoes have been tagged to delurk! Have a good delurking week!
I check up on you a couple times each week.
Hi Pink Shoes! Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Pink Shoes. Happy Turkey!
This darn cat will not get off of my computer...cannot type properly...how can I delurk if I am being LUUUUUVED by the kutty?
Um, that's KITTY...help, help!
Hello! While I'm here, just thought I'd mention that I was quoting a bit of your 'ordinary time' reflection (well the prayer actually) in a meme! It was on my little-blog-on-the-side http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/chelley. (Though my revgal blog is the one I hope people will de-lurk at!!). Thanks for the prayer anyway - beautiful, simple thanksgiving.
Happy Turkey week!! I love your name pink shoes. And I love your blog.
Oh my goodness, I had no idea how much I'd love waking up to find so many of you here!!!! How delightful, on par with Christmas morning as a kid! Please, stay, comment! How fun.... and now the joy of discovering/re-discovering your blogs!
De-lurking to say Happy Thanksgiving!
No lurking here...
Hi. I'm a pastor-to-be, a regular reader and a fan of RevGals.
Howdy Pink Shoes! Thanks for de-lurking over at the Pigbear! Hope you have a fabulous holiday.
I comment when I can. Blessed be your Thanksgiving! (0)
Ok, not lurking today... Your blog was the first Rev Gal Blog I visited! "Pink Shoes in the Pulpit" just sounds exactly like my girlfriends at seminary...
Must admit that I've been a lurker lately. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hi there, Pastor Pink Shoes. :-D
Hello, and Happy Thanksgiving! I'm here, as usual. :-)
Cute blog name. Love it! Thanks for de-lurking at my place today too. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love your blog and am glad you are a RGBP!
You wear red shoes sometimes, don't ya?
Pink Shoes, I'm a bit dense. What image always stuns you when you visit my blog?
Happy Thanksgiving!
i so wanted to de-lurkify yesterday, but i couldn't because i was being oppressed by blogger.
but i was here, and i'm here a lot, and i think you're fab.
much love!
(o) hugs and love. Blessed post-thanksgiving :)
Happy Delurking Week! (o)
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