Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Knowing and Doing

I think there comes a moment in most of our lives when we know something, but are loathe to do anything about it. Small things like, "I know I need to take out the garbage.... but it can wait until tomorrow." Or change the toilet paper roll, as the new roll sits next to the holder. Or return a phone call. Maybe you don't have these reluctances as I do. If not, please tell me how you do it! Perhaps we're just wired differently.
But there are bigger things, too -- taxes, resolving anger issues, communicating important dates. And, while these things have sometimes greater consequences than a toilet paper roll (or not), am I (trying not to gather all the world into my issues) more loathe to do them?
Knowing and doing are two different things. I know, "Thank you, Pastor Obvious." Sometimes, for the sake of my own head, it needs to be stated simply and concretely. I'll move on from there.


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oh, the taxes, the taxes, the TAXES! AAARGH!

Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

once again, i find myself right there with you...

Anonymous said...

I hear you! What is it about that darn toilet paper. The ONLY reason I change it is to avoid Mr. Burg griping at me. Otherwise, it would sit there next or even on the toilet paper holder for its entire life cycle.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

I know I should get out of my robe before 10 am... but like you said, knowing & doing... if we had java intravenously during Lent - maybe then we'd have a chance at doing everything we're supposed to (or at least feel like we're supposed) to do.