Sunday, March 30, 2008

Available for an afternoon respite:

One, non-napping, slightly sassy, incredibly adorable toddler. Prone to runny noses, but very durable when it comes to falls. Currently struggling with pneumonia, but not letting that get in the way of his trip-planning (must include tractors, fire trucks, trains, and garbage trucks), thomas-watching, dvd-player manipulating, chicken-eating ways. At this very moment, despite repeated attempts for resting, he's in the big blue chair behind me, "reading," with feeling and emphasis, green eggs and ham. Exhausted mama will pack bag before opening wine, she promises. 


KnittinPreacher said...

sign me up! sounds like a good dose of normalcy.

LoieJ said...

I think my daughter should be glad that the bishop hasn't assigned her to a church yet as she has two plus husband who are sick this past month.

AnneDroid said...

Oh I DOOOO like green eggs and ham. The book that is...