Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I've often written and invited people into a holy exhaustion during this season -- come and worship, I've invited, feel the emotions that heighten and peak, and experience the glorious delight, the fear and joy that come with the resurrection.

I feel that holy exhaustion in a new way today, after having a funeral this morning with the sanctuary still smelling sticky sweet with Easter flowers, the cross still adorned with life and green, the alleluias still ringing in my ears. I feel that ache in my bones and that cloudy, hungover sense that makes me wonder what words are coming out of my mouth, as if I inhabit a different body. The deaths have lined up, one, two, three, and while the other two I will only mourn in my own way, not in the way of a leader, they are still present, and I struggle as always with the grief in the midst of sure knowledge of resurrection and everlasting life. It makes for a good sermon, but with it there is an exhaustion. Some might even say, a holy exhaustion.

1 comment:

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

i think oswald chambers wrote about that holy exhaustion... and how we are called to pour ourselves out & to be exhausted - not for the sake of exhaustion itself, but for the sake of the gifts of God which flow thru us or something like that. heavy with weight is our calling sometimes...

i hope you can lighten your load, find some peace, relaxation, and kick off the sensible black pumps for awhile!