Thursday, October 20, 2005


Note: If I were typing this at work (on a PC) or had the energy to fire up Foxfire (since I'm at home using a Mac), I would create all sorts of fun links to go along with the following post. But, since I am at home using my Mac and blogger doesn't support the Safari browser, or however that works, there aren't easy little shortcut keys to create links. So, just pretend.

The most recent issue of Sojourners arrived in my mailbox at work today. It was their fall books and music issue. After sifting through the recommendations in the Christian Century, I wasn't sure that life could get much better. But it did. This issue of Sojourners is full of what appear to be interesting books and ear-pleasing music. Some of which (Over the Rhine) I'd never heard of until a few days when Katherine over at "any day a beautiful change" ( referenced the new cd. And now they appear in this delightful publication. Others, such as Dar Williams, have been staples in my listening rotation for years and I was practically giddy to realize she has something new.

They also have reviewed some children's/young adult books -- something that gets done far too infrequently and I often have no idea either what to recommend to folks with kids that age or to buy for my nieces.

I didn't have time to get through it completely, but I look forward to doing so.

If you don't get Sojourners, check out their website (


kwpershey said...

Ack, I'm going to have to get that issue! I do so recommend OTR. They astound me with their talent and humanness and faith. Truly the antithesis of crummy, derivative Christian pop music (sorry, I have some vitriol for some of that stuff). Literate, faithful, folksy, pop: the Flannery O'Connor or Anne Lamott of pop music. Mmm.

(Isn't Safari frustrating when you're trying to blog properly!)

kwpershey said...

Hey, I forgot to mention. I have some boots of Over the Rhine (they allow taping at their shows) and I'd be happy to send you a real good one if you email me with your address. katherinepershey at yahoo dot com.